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Carrer and Jobs

For carrer and jobs in biotechnology or life sciences, a student should know that what type of career opurtunities would be availabe to him after his study. After a broad survey of internet we can advise this things to a Undergarduate student for their career. If you want some good growth, you must have these skills.

1. Good English:- Writing, Speaking, Thinking, Listening,Communication.
2. Presentation Skills:- Try to speak in front of peoples.
3. Interent Search:- Get command to googleing everything.
4. Strong basic knowledge of Chemistry, Physics and mathematics.
5. In depth knowledge of Biology:- Level of Research Articles.
6. Computer Skills :- Programming, web desgining and database management.
7. Practical Skills. :- Most important things. Analytical Chemistry (urgent), Molecular and cell biology Biology protocols.
8. Research Skills:- Design of Experiment, Hypothesis postulation, project plannings. Essential
9. Bioinformatics Skills:- update your information about latest databses and bioinformatics tools. Get command on hihgly utilizing tools.
10. Always get ready for New challange and targets. Thing Big (Not small). Here are Links of various Job sites, CV, Skill improvement.

How to write a Research proposal

opportunities in Biotechnology