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Important Facts about Human Body

Important Facts about Human Body

Length of alimentary canal
Approximately 8 meters
BMR (Basal metabolic rate)
1600 K.cal/day
Number calls in body
75 trillion
Longest bone
Femur (thigh bone)
Smallest bone
Ear ossicle, stapes
Weight of brain
1400 gms
Blood volume
6.8 litres (in 70 kg body)
Normal B.P
120/80 mm Hg
Number of R.B.C
(a) In male: 4.5-5.0 million/cubic mm
(b) In female: 4.0-4.5 million/cubic mm
Life span of R.B.C
120 days
Normal W.B.C count
5000-10000/cubic mm
Life span of W.B.C
3-4 days
D.L.C (Differential leucocyte count)
(a) Basophils-0.5-1%
(b) Eosinophils-1-3%
(c) Monocytes-3-8%
(d) Neutrophils-40-70%
(e) Lymphocytes-2-25%
Blood platelets count
2,00,000-4,00,000/cubic mm
(a) In male: 14-15.6 gm/100 c.c of blood
(b) In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c of blood
Hb content in body
500-700 gm
Universal blood donor
O Rh-ve
Universal blood recipient
Blood clotting time
2-5 minutes
Average body weight
70 kg
Normal body temperature
98.4.F or 37.C
Breathing rate
16-20 minutes
Dental formula
child: 2120/2120=22 milk teeth
Number of cranial nerves
12 pairs
Number of spinal nerves
31 pairs
Largest endocrine gland
Gestation period
9 months (253-266 days)
Normal heart beat
72-75/ minutes
Largest gland
Largest muscles in the body
Gluteus maximus (Buttock muscle)
Largest smooth muscle
Uterus of pregnant women
Smallest muscles in the body
Largest artery
Abdominal aorta
Largest vein
Inferior venacava
Largest W.B.C
Smallest W.B.C
Greatest regeneration power
In liver
Longest nerve
Longest cell
Neuron (nerve cell)
Menstrual cycle
28 days
Menopause age
45-50 years
Minimum regeneration power
In brain cell
Minimum distance for proper vision
25 cm
Type of placenta
Haemochorial (Chorioallantoic)
Pulse rate
Volume of semen
2-4 ml/ejaculation
Normal sperm count
200-350 million/ejaculation
ESR (normal Erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
4.10 min/hour
Thinnest skin
pH of gastric juice
pH of urine
pH of blood