This zone is dedicated to the students of B.Sc. and M.Sc.. Here we are providing links and guidelines for various competetion examinations and subject topics. Stuedents can find powerpoint presentations, lecture notes and study guides from premier universities of world . This material can be utilize to understand some critical concepts of Biology. We also provide lists of top insittues and universities in India and World.
Checkout all these and try to find out how the top universities dealing with their students, what are the resources they are utilizing.
We always suggest new student to learn from everything around you. Learn from your seniors, techears, classmate, juniors and things happening near to you. Try to learn as much as you can. In the world of science only updated knowledge would be excel. And learning is basis of earning if you can learn you will earn.
We will continously post and update relevant and recent materials.
Most recommended links for students.
Writing in science is very important, try to write as good as possible with technical terms. Imporve your vocabs, grammer, phrases and other english tools. without a good wriitng you cant be able to present your data efficiently.
Checkout all these and try to find out how the top universities dealing with their students, what are the resources they are utilizing.
We always suggest new student to learn from everything around you. Learn from your seniors, techears, classmate, juniors and things happening near to you. Try to learn as much as you can. In the world of science only updated knowledge would be excel. And learning is basis of earning if you can learn you will earn.
We will continously post and update relevant and recent materials.
Most recommended links for students.
Many books of Biology can be downloaded by this website. Free Ebooks. Please click on it |
You can download many softwares, books, movies,music from isohunt torrent world. (If you know how to deal with a torrent file.) |
Find definitions and primary information about everything on wikipedia |
Please explore this highly recommend website for Advance knowledge of Biology |
Check out the top three papers in last two years. Click here you can find analysis of various research ares on this website |
Top 25 hottest papers on
Find out various software utilized in biology research Click here | is an education resource of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, aiming to promote literacy. |
An excellent website for research in biology. click here |
An hihgly recommend website for internet resoruces. Excellent Click Here |
Science and technology information from Scientific American. Click
California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3), a cooperative effort among three campuses of the University of California and private industry, harnesses the quantitative sciences to integrate our understanding of biological systems at all levels of complexity - from atoms and protein molecules to cells, tissues, organs and the entire organism. |
Open courses at mit. List of all the courses which you can see freely from mit website. |
Journal for Visualizing of Experiments. A website hosting various vedeos of scientific world |
Scitube. A website by NSF for online promotion of scientific educaitons. |
Writing in science is very important, try to write as good as possible with technical terms. Imporve your vocabs, grammer, phrases and other english tools. without a good wriitng you cant be able to present your data efficiently.