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Systems biology question bank

Systems biology is a biology-based inter-disciplinary study field that focuses on the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems, thus using a new perspective (holism instead of reduction) to study them. Particularly from year 2000 onwards, the term is used widely in the biosciences, and in a variety of contexts. Because the scientific method has been used primarily toward reductionism, one of the goals of systems biology is to discover new emergent properties that may arise from the systemic view used by this discipline in order to understand better the entirety of processes that happen in a biological system.

Bioinformatics Course 6994
Macromolecules UCSF
Systems Biology of Immune System
Feedback control of Biological Signaling
pathways JHU
Course of Electrical Engineering JHU
Non Linear Dynamics in Biological Systems
Modeling Complex Biological Systems BP297
Computational Mol Biology and Genomics
Introduction to Bioinformatics 591
Integreted Bioinformatics 601
Bioinformatics Materials
Computational Biology and Genomics 146
Genomics-Genetics 211 Stanford
Biological Sequence and Structure 202
Molecular Biophysics 425
Biology 3050 Laboratory
Advanced Bioinformatics Stanford 366
Algorithms in Molecular Biology 2427