• A man standing at the finish line is recording the time of a race competition by means of a stop watch. He must start the watch when –He sees flash of light coming from starting gun
• If a shell from a canon bursts in the air, the total kinetic energy –increase
• The pitch of sound is measured by its –frequency
• Alternating current is converted to direct current by a –rectifier
• When iron and wood are exposed to sunlight, the iron rod become hot quickly because of –the greater thermal conductivity of iron
• In diesel engines, ignition takes place by –Compression
• Cloudy nights are warmer because –Clouds prevent radiation of heat from the ground into the air
• A electric bulb produce a loud sound when broken because –the air rushes into partial vaccum in the bulb
• What is the approximate velocity of sound in air –800m/s.
• In deserts, clouds do not precipitate because of –low humidity.
• The ink of a pen leaks out in an aeroplane because –pressure of ink inside is more than the ambient pressure
• Coating of iron with zinc is known as –Galvanization
• A piece of rock was brought from moon to earth, then –Its weight alone changed
• Which of the following is not a primary colour –Black
• Which falls down faster in a vacuum –All with fall down at same speed in a vacuum because there will be no air resistance.
• Atmospheric pressure is measured by using an instrument call a/an –barometer
• The process of transfer of heat by matter but without actual movement of particle then selves is called –Conduction
• In an electric kettle water becomes hot by –Convection
• Tea will cool most easily in a –Metal cup
• The source of solar energy is –Nuclear fusion
• A radar that detect the presence of an enemy aircraft uses –Radio waves
• Light year is a unit of –Distance
• What is normal temp, of a human body –370 c
• A Celsius and a Fahrenheit thermometer give the same reading at a particular temp. - -400C
• In which atmospheric layer are the communication satellites located ? –Ionosphere
• In an earthen pot , cooling of water depends upon the –All the above
• A fuse wire used to –Prevent an unduly high electric current from passing through a circuit
• The nucleus of an atom consists of –Proton + electron
• What happen if water is cooled from 80C to 0C ? –its volume decrease up to 40C and then Increase
• Which of the following is a good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity –Mica
• A sudden fall in a barometer reading indicates –Storm
• Sound travel with a different speed in different media. In what order does the velocity of sound increase in these media ? –Air, water and iron
• Which part of the sun is visible during total solar eclipse ? –Corona
• When a pencil is partly immersed in water in a beaker and held in a slanting position, the immersed portion appears –Bent towards the water surface
• The three primary colour are –Blue, green, and red
• Which part of a camera is analogous to the retina in the human eye ? –Film
• When a person walking in bring sunlight enter a dark room, he is not able to see clearly for a little while because –the iris unable to dilate the pupil immediately
• In electric fittings, the wires are earthed because –In case of a short circuit, current passes to the earth.
• To an astronaut, the outer space appears –Black
• Which of the following metal is used in aircraft ? -Palladium
• A transformer is used to –Increase of decrease AC voltage
• The element used in an electric filament is –Tungsten
• The sky is blue in colour due to –dispersion
• When a ship floats on water –The mass of water displaced is equal to the mass of the ship
• If a shell from a canon bursts in the air, the total kinetic energy –increase
• The pitch of sound is measured by its –frequency
• Alternating current is converted to direct current by a –rectifier
• When iron and wood are exposed to sunlight, the iron rod become hot quickly because of –the greater thermal conductivity of iron
• In diesel engines, ignition takes place by –Compression
• Cloudy nights are warmer because –Clouds prevent radiation of heat from the ground into the air
• A electric bulb produce a loud sound when broken because –the air rushes into partial vaccum in the bulb
• What is the approximate velocity of sound in air –800m/s.
• In deserts, clouds do not precipitate because of –low humidity.
• The ink of a pen leaks out in an aeroplane because –pressure of ink inside is more than the ambient pressure
• Coating of iron with zinc is known as –Galvanization
• A piece of rock was brought from moon to earth, then –Its weight alone changed
• Which of the following is not a primary colour –Black
• Which falls down faster in a vacuum –All with fall down at same speed in a vacuum because there will be no air resistance.
• Atmospheric pressure is measured by using an instrument call a/an –barometer
• The process of transfer of heat by matter but without actual movement of particle then selves is called –Conduction
• In an electric kettle water becomes hot by –Convection
• Tea will cool most easily in a –Metal cup
• The source of solar energy is –Nuclear fusion
• A radar that detect the presence of an enemy aircraft uses –Radio waves
• Light year is a unit of –Distance
• What is normal temp, of a human body –370 c
• A Celsius and a Fahrenheit thermometer give the same reading at a particular temp. - -400C
• In which atmospheric layer are the communication satellites located ? –Ionosphere
• In an earthen pot , cooling of water depends upon the –All the above
• A fuse wire used to –Prevent an unduly high electric current from passing through a circuit
• The nucleus of an atom consists of –Proton + electron
• What happen if water is cooled from 80C to 0C ? –its volume decrease up to 40C and then Increase
• Which of the following is a good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity –Mica
• A sudden fall in a barometer reading indicates –Storm
• Sound travel with a different speed in different media. In what order does the velocity of sound increase in these media ? –Air, water and iron
• Which part of the sun is visible during total solar eclipse ? –Corona
• When a pencil is partly immersed in water in a beaker and held in a slanting position, the immersed portion appears –Bent towards the water surface
• The three primary colour are –Blue, green, and red
• Which part of a camera is analogous to the retina in the human eye ? –Film
• When a person walking in bring sunlight enter a dark room, he is not able to see clearly for a little while because –the iris unable to dilate the pupil immediately
• In electric fittings, the wires are earthed because –In case of a short circuit, current passes to the earth.
• To an astronaut, the outer space appears –Black
• Which of the following metal is used in aircraft ? -Palladium
• A transformer is used to –Increase of decrease AC voltage
• The element used in an electric filament is –Tungsten
• The sky is blue in colour due to –dispersion
• When a ship floats on water –The mass of water displaced is equal to the mass of the ship