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Curriculum Vitae - Research Emphasis

Model for t6e curriculum vitae for an academic position at a research university

John L. Doe
Environmental Science Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6056
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
207 Dispar Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(xxx) xxx-xxxx

Stanford University, Stanford, California, 19XX-19XX
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, 19XX, Area of Specialization: Population Biology
M.S. in Biological Sciences, 19XX
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 19XX-19XX
B.A. in Biological Sciences, concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
B.A. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology with honors
B.A. in Integrated Science Program, with honors
Hollaender Postdoctoral Fellowship (US D.O.E.), 19XX-present.
ARCS Foundation Fellowship, 19XX-19XX
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 19XX-19XX
Andrew Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship,19XX Phi Beta Kappa, 19XX
Postdoctoral Research: Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 19XX-present (research adviser: Dr. Stephen H. Smith).
  • Development of quantitative theory of hierarchical structure in ecological systems.
  • Analysis of how ecological communities reflect environmental heterogeneity at different scales.
  • Numerical study of foraging behavior with short and long range movement in heterogeneous environments.
Doctoral Research: Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, 19XX-19XX, (research adviser: Dr. James Advisername).
  • Field study of the impact of avian predation on Anolie lizards in the eastern Caribbean documents the importance of differences in spatial scale between prey and predators.
  • Theoretical analysis of spatial scale and environmental heterogeneity in models of predator-prey communities.
  • Analytical and numerical works show how species interactions can sharpen underlying environmental patterns and how heterogeneous environments can stabilize predator and prey populations.
Undergraduate Honors Research: Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology, Northwestern University, 19XX-19XX (research adviser: Dr. Peter T. Williams)
  • Investigation of primary events of bacterial photosynthesis.
  • Isolation and spectral analysis of photosynthetic reaction centers.

  • Theoretical and field study of ecological communities.
  • The roles that spatial patterns and processes play in shaping communities.
  • How populations and processes that act on different spatiotemporal scales affect the behavior of ecological systems.
  • Influences of disturbance size and frequency on landscape structure.

Instructor: Outdoor Education Program, Stanford University, 19XX-19XX.
  • Lectures and weekend outings, emphasis on alpine ecology, animal tracking, and wilderness skills.
Co-Instructor: Biology of Birds, Stanford University, 19XX.
  • Lectures and field trips; with Dr. S.T. Phillips.
Teaching Assistant: Systematics and Ecology of Vascular Plants, Stanford University, 19XX.
  • Laboratory and field trips.
Teaching Assistant: Core Biology Laboratory, Stanford University, 19XX.
  • Ecology laboratory and discussion sections.
Instructor: Chemistry Laboratory, Kendall College, Evanston, IL, 19XX-19XX.
  • Sole responsibility for laboratory in biochemistry, general and organic chemistry.
Wilderness Guide: Association of Adirondack Scout Camps, Long Lake, NY, 19XX.
  • Six-day canoe and hiking trips, with attention to Adirondack natural history.

Tour Guide: Botanical tours of Stanford campus for organizers of Native American students orientation, 19XX.
  • Emphasis on native uses of plants
Guest Instructor: Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Training Program, 19XX.
  • Interpretation of animal tracks and signs.
Tour Guide: Ecology laboratory teaching assistant orientation, 19XX.
  • Led natural history tour of field site.
Student Adviser: Integrated Science Program, Northwestern University, 19XX-19XX.

Academic Committee: College of Community Studies, Northwestern University, 19XX-19XX.

President and Member: Northwestern Students for a Better Environment, 19XX-19XX.

Jones, J.T. and J.L. Doe. 19XX. Scrub Jay predation on starlings and swallows: attack and interspecific defense, Condor 90:503-505.

Doe, J.L. and J.T. Jones. 19XX. Avian predation on Anolis lizards in the northeastern Caribbean: an Inter-island contrast, Ecology 70:617-628.

Doe, J.L. and J.T. Jones. Pattern and stability in predator-prey communities: how diffusion in spatially variable environments affects the Lotak-Volterra model, Theoretical Population Biology (in press).

Doe, J.L and J.T. Jones. Predation across spatial scales in heterogeneous environments, Theoretical Population in Biology (in press).

Doe, J.L. and J.T. Jones. Species interaction in space, symposium paper presented at the 19XX meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Snowbird, UT; to appear in R. Ricklefs and D. Schulter, eds., Historical and Geographical Determinants of Community Diversity, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.


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