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Biotechnology PhD position in Germany

PhD position (m/f)
(starting 2012)

Bioprocess Engineering Group

„Characterization of influenza virus replication for the optimization of cell culture-based influenza vaccine production“

Cell culture-based processes are becoming increasingly important for the influenza vaccine production. For the optimization of such processes a thorough understanding of virus-host cell interactions is needed. The aim of this project will be the identification of crucial cellular factors for the influenza virus yield and the genetic engineering of production cell lines.


Candidates should hold a master degree (or equivalent) in biotechnology, biology, biochemistry or a related discipline. We are looking for highly motivated scientists with an interest in applied research. Applicants should have a strong background of molecular cell biology. Experience in cell culture techniques, transfection or viral transduction procedures, realtime PCR and cytometry would be helpful. Additionally, fluency in English, the ability to work in a team, and profound knowledge of frequently used computer programs (MS Office) are expected.

Complete applications (cover letter, CV and certificates/references) either in German or in English should be send only by Email to:

Dr. Timo Frensing

Tel.: 0391 - 6110 332