Question based learning is the best way to learn things and to cook the concept. In the era of WWW, top most universities and international premier institutions are providing various problem sets, lecture notes, study guides, powerpoints, handouts, lab mnaual and etc. There are huge amount of webpage and pdf files are availabe for students to download. Only need is that we need to search these stuffs from the websites of various institues. For a new student of B.Sc. or M.Sc. it is really a hard task to make a rigrous search on google to find out these resoruces. Thats why, our organization are working to collect all the web links of these resoruces and put on our webpage for the welfare of indian students.
There are thousands of questions papers are available from the web, and for the convenience, we divide all these in to few ares of biology. Stuednts can click on intrested areas. Presently we are only collecting the resources for the biology but in near future our activities will be include various other field of science eg engineering, chemistry, physics, geology, mathematics, sociology, astrology etc. A list can be find on MIT
We are trying to more specify these areas, but we would always appreciate healthy critics and suggestions. Please help us to improve the website.
If you need some question on any particular topics, let know us. We might help you.
These question bank are sufficient to crack any competition examination and interviews. Student need to solve and discussed with folks about the possible answer and concept behind every question.
We want to organize and classify the database of question bank, we seeks comments from the students and education specialist in this rergard. Excellent Study tips for exams.
Select your subject bel0w
Molecular.Biology | Cell-biology | Biochemistry | Genetics | Microbiology |
Evolution | Ecology | Botany | Zoology | Computational.biology |
Chemistry | Systems.biology | Immunology | src="" type="text/javascript"> |