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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Biology - Ireland

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project investigating the role of oncogene cooperativity in Leukemia. The major research focus in the laboratory is the study of oncogenes and transcription factors in haematopoietic development and transformation. This project is funded by Health Research Board, Ireland and will use a multi-disciplinary approach using clinical material and murine models to explore the clinical significance of oncogene cooperativity in Leukemia.
We are seeking highly enthusiastic and motivated candidates with a PhD and less than 2 years postdoctoral experience and training in haematopoietic development, with advanced primary cell culture and animal skills. Flow cytometry skills are essential. The successful candidate must be able to work to a high standard with good written and oral communication skills along with a proven track record in publishing papers in peer reviewed journals. The position is most suited to a talented individual already having shown scientific excellence and a strong background in haematopoiesis research. This position is open from January 2012.
Applicants should include the following
a. a covering letter detailing your suitability for and interest in the position
b. full curriculum vitae
c. details of three referees.
Applications should be sent to
Dr. Karen Keeshan,
Dept. Biochemistry,
Biosciences Institute,
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
Email; k.keeshan@ucc.ie
Deadline : 31.12.11