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PhD oppurtinities in Psychology - UK

The main focus of this line of research is to investigate how self-representation shapes and is shaped by interacting with the social and physical world. Specific topics include (but are not restricted to) the mechanisms and implications of behavioural synchrony for self-representation and self–other differentiation, and how constructs such as mindfulness and sense of place relate to self-awareness and wellbeing.

Please note that this project falls within the discipline of experimental psychology (specifically, social cognition); it is not suitable for applicants interested in non-experimental research or clinical psychology.

Funding Notes:

Students who would need University of Birmingham (UoB) funding to support their studies must apply no later than mid-January for admission in September/October.

Self-funding students and students with non-UoB external funding may apply year round. 
Application Deadline: Applications accepted all year round