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Biology Research Assistant Job Cover Letter sample

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Dear (Mr./ Ms. Person's Name):
Several items mentioned in your advertisement for a Research Assistant in the (name of publication) on (date) suggest you may be searching for someone with my background. In fact, I was excited to see how closely my qualifications matched your requirements:
Your Requirements
My Qualifications
· Background in Biology
· Graduated with a BS in Biology/Conservation track
· Field experience
· Independent study in field research with toads as well as the course Field Biology
· Ability to write reports  
· Writing endorsement in science format
· Basic statistical knowledge  
· Course work in Elementary Statistics

My Biology coursework has centered around Conservation as highlighted on my resume. This academic background has also prepared me for field research. I have taken multiple Biology and Chemistry classes which have enabled me to improve my research skills as well as my analytical abilities. As a result of my rewarding field research with toads last summer and my academic coursework, I am confident that I could make a strong contribution to your wildlife research department.
Thank you for your consideration of my credentials. I will contact your office in the next ten days to see if you require any additional information regarding my qualifications.

Your Name
Enclosures: resume